Sunday, April 10, 2005

State versus Individual violence

I wish I could be a pacifist, but I secretly admit I like a good fight - you know, the good-versus-evil type. Well, at least each side believes they are on the good side.

The politics in Israel is very interesting to me, even if I understand very little. Apparently Israel has committed to forcefully "unsettling" areas of land held by israelis.

Usually I go for the underdogs, but I must admit I have zero sympathy for the Israeli settlers who have built homes in areas that they should not be there.

It seems like a real CIVIL war, at least that's how determined the settlers seems to be - many of them would rather be killed than retreat from their position of defense of their homes.

It is a tough place for a government, but I lean towards the hardline that says - if unlawful citizens REFUSE to surrender, AND use any sort of lethal force against the state, the state has the right AND NEED to do whatever it takes to overcome them, even at the cost of their deaths.

I really don't want to take this position. I have one alternative position which is not much better. Israel could simply WITHDRAW "protection" of the settlers and grant the Palestinians the right to treat them as criminal invaders into their territory and use whatever force is needed to capture and/or kill them.

Again, I'm advocating killing of individuals who believe themselves basically as defending their homes. REALLY I find killing as the most convenient solution, and by killing I mean by ULTIMATUM. "On date/time XXXX, this land will be taken peacefully. However if any offensive resistance is made, bombers will level the entire community until it is completely gone. There is NO negociations and we HOPE that you are stupid enough to resist because then you will be killed and no longer be a problem."

I'm not absolutely advocating mass murder. I MAY just be expressing my frustration of what I'd like to do. WHY should the israeli army need to risk their lives fighting a civil war? I don't see any honor in a "fair fight". I say "burn the SOBs" and thank god when they are gone. Power is nice illusion.

AND besides, when faced by people who are willing to die for their cause, WHY not give them what they want? Won't we all be better off for this? Why leave a new generation of orphans to hate the state and bring a new round of violence in another 20 years? Just finish the problem now and kill them all.

Damn unbelievable I can believe such things. The problem is for every time that I believe the State is in the right, there'll be another time that I'll believe the opposite. When a "State" kills its own people, ultimately it comes down to individuals killing - even if pilots bombing settlements, or shelling from a distance.

Overall, I recognize a lot of anger, and I'm sure it is misplaced against these Israeli settlers, since I don't know enough to really judge. I only know that peace is only possible by people who want peace, and the world seems better off if those no interested in peace are no longer here.

Very ugly all around. I'm rather glad I don't have much power, and even less reason to use such power close to home.


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