Friday, July 18, 2008

Caught in the act

OH! Those Conservatives have caught the Liberal Left in their secret conspiracy to destroy America. What will we do? How will we continue our plot now that they know?
America's Economic Demolition ... Through Oil Implosion, by Jean Valjean Vandruff
"We're exactly where they want us, where they've been maneuvering us for decades. They've been clear about their desire to increase the price of gasoline so high it would drive SUVs and other oil/gas guzzlers off the streets – while doubling tax revenues – using global warming as their means of deception. Achieving power over the masses. with unbelievable wealth, Al Gore and his panic-cronies will not debate real Climatologists and other professionals, because they know their claims are fraudulent. "

OF COURSE, Al Gore, the not so secret leader of this conspiracy, well, you see he NEVER wanted to be president. He knew it didn't matter - that's why he didn't fight. You see HE KNEW what was coming, KNEW if the Left was CAUGHT holding power in the ECONOMIC COLLAPSE, they'd be blamed. What better representative to take the blame than a loser Bush Jr? It was a perfect plan. OF COURSE THE LEFT KNEW about 9/11 - they helped plan it. And of course they knew Bush would jump into his ignorance enough to attempt "Nation building" in Iraq. The LEFT KNEW it would be disaster, and they could finally get control in 2008, finally change our nation into fascist rulership by a SLICK guy who could say all the right things, "Yes we can" (pretend empowerment), while preparing the end of FREEDOM for the American people.

Of course climate change was a perfect cover, and it was their PRIMARY means to take away freedom, but circumstances have allowed their real goal to come a decade earlier. They figured we've have until 2015 at least before a full-fledged energy crisis, but China and India speed up the game. It doesn't matter to Gore - Climate change or Oil shortgages, both work in the same direction - to convert America unto a slave class for the wealthy left who have been investing in that Internet thing that Gore invented, and they're in the know on all the insider trading, so they conveniently avoid all the downturns. The Left is OOZING in cash, ready to start their new empire - Look at Obama's out fund-raising McCain 3:1 - obviously the Left is the Elite powerhouse ready to take over. If only the Goodly shephard conservatives could find a way to regain trust, they could set things aright.

Conspiracy is funny, and the human mind can perhaps play with more nonsense, believe more nonsense than could ever be created if we worked on it every day.

It seems clear to me that BLAME GAME can be played to very end, denial complete and all objective truth lost. Most people would rather have a well-hated enemy than face the darkness of their own soul, their own greed and ambition.

Things work, including thinks that can't work forever, until they don't. Much of the failing of human reason seems to come through the failure of action and consequence to occur at a timescale that we can pay attention to. Pyramid schemes build up great wealth for a few, clear demonstrations of a viable existence, until they unravel. I have to be sure much of our entire civilization is like that, inspired by false dreams of power created from fossil fuels and industrialization powered by it.

The reality of politics is that you can never bring up a problem unless you have a solution for it. And the reality of politics is people have a 100 solutions ready for the wrong problem to attach to implement it. I don't know how to sort it all out.

How does a world transition itself smoothly from cheap energy to expensive energy? When's the right time - when the account is half empty, or when you're dirt broke? It's all insane to me. And if we can't even agree what the problem is, how do we find collective answers?

The offshore and ANWR drilling ban is now being squarely blamed on the liberals, despite the fact that many conservatives ALSO listen to people who don't want oil spills of their coast, whether such fears are real or not. I'm so tired of this blame game. I think new drilling is a drop in the bucket, but those drops might be needed in 5-10 years when we might have them if we start now.

Its SO FREAKIN' easy to find solutions that are not real solutions. It's easy to understand why NO ONE wants to confront the idea that the U.S. must use less oil in the future, unless they can promise alternatives that are just as good. That is (in my view), they have to exaggerate the advantages of alternatives which WILL BE BETTER than nothing in the future, but won't meet the demands we would like to place on them.

Perhaps irrational conservatives like Vandruff are right. The Left got what we really wanted - high prices - so we could begin transitioning away from oil. I just don't get how he can think we can go on with oil indefinitely. It just hurts my brain to imagine how any sort of debate could happen. If I met him in person, I'd ask for a list of 100 demands, if he really wanted them. Then I'd agree to every one of them. Then we'd wait 50 years and see what happens. That'd teach him - but unfortunately he's 87 years old and will be long dead while the rest of us try to fix HIS PROBLEMS, and problems created from his generation - the first generation to become addicted to oil.

Idiocy doesn't know partisan lines I'm sure.

I get so mad, I'll let the idiots destroy everything. Let's wait until the last possible moment when 90% of the people finally "get it", that we can't go on as we have. All just for the satisfaction in the end that I was right to suggest the future can't be what they want from it. Maybe the next generation, will be twice as Mad as mine?

I'm serious - Gore is irrational too, offering solutions without putting their prices up in front. He's a hucker, NOT for giving us the wrong solution, but being deceitful about the costs.

Carter was better on the moral arguments, even if his was ahead of his time.


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