Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Short memory

Time goes so slow sometimes (like waiting for the next Star Wars movie - oooo), and yet it moves along faster than any of us would like. (Was that really 10 years ago when we....)

I'm just old enough perhaps to realize entitlement and expectation build up over time and we forget our roots. Like was there really a time when we didn't have the internet and email? Wasn't that in a different lifetime?

If I take time to step back from my life, my short local little circle that my mind travels in each day, I realize that the future isn't what it used to be.

On the surface of consciousness we're all travelling in a dream world - we wake up each day, eat breakfast, go to work, come home, have a few hobbies and maybe a family in between, and that's life.

Then I realize those stories told - like of the 60th anniversary of the surrender of the Germans in World War II. Sure, we've got wars now - our war on terrorism, but it's "over there" in the middle east, not here. The consciousness of WW2 was surely very different - we had an open draft - not just selective service. And what about the depression of the 1930's - the dust bowl farming - high unemployment - all that. Well, who can say how they felt about their time in history - perhaps many were quite comfortable but I don't expect very many. And now we're fighting a war against an idea "That the little guy can win if he can bankrupt his larger enemy." Well we used to be on the underdog side, but now we want money to rule the world - that is our money, so we can't afford to let the underdogs know they really do have power.

Anyway, I play with the idea that perhaps my life is an illusion, or it'll seem that way in a decade when circumstances have changed completely.

Perhaps on May 11, 2015, I'll be sitting in a refuge camp outside of Madison Wisconsin because a dirty bomb exploded in the Twin Cities and contaminated the entire region. Who knows? Perhaps I'll be in a small unheated barn a few hundred miles away on a farm, trying to get some sleep (along with a few dozen others) so I can wake up at 5am to help plow and seed a 180 acre farm - all because the oil economy has collapsed and unemployment caused a mass migration from the cities where jobs were needed on the farms. Perhaps a flu epidemic will be the cause of the mass migration as 25% of the population is killed.

The United States has overall never know really disruptive failure - excluding a civil war (which was never fought in my state), and the depression. Overall we've had a run of pure growth and expanding horizons.

It is all so unbelievable to admit that sooner or later, we'll hit problems that we can't solve by our vast resources alone. Hard to believe any of it. It is a dream just like this life is a dream, just a different one. Will it happen? When? Is there any point in "preparing"?


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