Friday, May 26, 2006

Welcome to Sustainable Future

I am Mr. Rourke, your host, welcome to Sustainable Future. I'm here to help you transition. What would you like today?

Oh, thank you. How about a gallon of gas for my riding lawn mower?

I'm sorry, gas-powered lawn mowers have been banned - too polluting. Most urban lawns have been converted to gardens. Would you like some help converting your lawn?

Hmmm... ahhh, maybe later, I like long grass anyway. How about filling up my car with gas then?

Sure! I hope you don't mind, we had to do some work on your car to meet code (Don't worry the government covered the conversion cost) - it now is a two-seater and only weighs 300lb and we tuned the engine to get 145 mpg. The new tank holds 3 gallons, and a gallon of gas costs $37.539, so that'll be $112.67 to fill 'er up.

Ummmm.. okay, but where do my 3 kids sit?!

Oh, no problem, we have an optional attachment wagon, a 4-seater, first one is also on the house thanks to Uncle Sam, although it'll lower your milage to 115mpg.

Okay, but that little thing? It doesn't look very safe - I want to protect my kids you know!

Oh no, it's very safe, got a wide wheel base, and now that the speed limit is 25 mph on all roads, there's not been a traffic fatality in 8 years!

How do you enforce a 25mph speed limit? Don't people just speed anyway?

No problem there. The law says passenger vehicles can only have a 15HP engine, so it takes a few minutes to accelerate to that speed, and besides the government spent so much money on converting cars, they were short on road repair funds, so there's a few potholes. Don't worry, all the seats have springs and shoulder harnesses, and the kids LOVE the bouncing - just make sure they all keep their shoulder harnesses locked.

How sustainable are disintegrating roads? We'll not be able to travel at all if this keeps up!

The government has prioritized repairs and has directed primary road reconstruction into the old paver bricks. We use solar powered kilns to fire the ceramic bricks so they're very strong. It's a bonded 75 year project, and roads that don't make the cut will be abandoned or converted to gravel.

Well, I'll take a drive with the kiddies then and explore the new city. Hmmm... hot day today, looks like this car doesn't have A/C. Maybe we'll head down to the beach and cool off. Thanks for the conversion Mr. Rourke!

Glad to be of service! Next please?

I am Mr. Rourke, your host, welcome to Sustainable Future. I'm here to help you transition.. What would you like today?


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