Wednesday, June 08, 2005


Letter to editor in Star tribune, final thought copied below:
Pray, don't play
Here's a final thought: Abortion has taken the lives of well over 40 million babies. Perhaps among those babies were some sent by God to cure Alzheimer's, diabetes, cancer, Parkinson's or multiple sclerosis. Instead of playing God, we should be praying to him.

Jerry Kassanchuk, Golden Valley.

I've heard "jokes" like this, something like: "Hey God, why have you helped us cure cancer?" GOD: "I tried, but you aborted my help."

I'm not going to judge this person's faith in God, but this line of reasoning can go a long way towards unlimited passivity. Perhaps HITLER would have "cured cancer" if ONLY we had allowed him to take over the world, huh? Of course unborn babies are innocent, so we're more sure in God's miracles might be there.

Perhaps all "Good Christians" ought to stay out of politics, and "Let God get the right people in power."?!

Surely many people would be glad for this wish....


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