Sunday, February 26, 2006

Debt and inheritance

It is very hard for me to see how I can be politically active on anything that matters.

Dealing with my OWN insecurities and delusions is bad enough, but trying to find common ground living in a Meth house?!

It seems like I should just focus my efforts on keeping my own house in order. Do I really believe I can change people who don't want to change? Do I really believe I can save anyone?

The fact is people will continue to get rich exploiting the environmental and inherited wealth for decades, and others, in pursuits of "self-actualization" will gladly trade their futures away for another hit, just one more.

It would be nice to believe that gas-taxes or any government regulation is going to charge the majority for their excesses. Smoker, sure, drinkers, well, people can only consume so much alcohol anyway, compared to unlimited cars.

A friend tells me I'm on the fringes and need a reality check. Yes, we all need a reality check. Her reality is "party time", now, and until closing time in an indefinite future date. Comparatively, I SEE the clock ticking down to midnight (or is that just noon?) and thinking we can do better.

Where should I focus my energy? We have so much, but so far to fall, so I imagine. I once said we can take the tragedies of life because we've been given so much, and certainly this is true.

If I had ONE mission, it would be to convince people to live within their financial means, to avoid debt and live conservatively. However I don't think I can offer that mission honestly while I am at least as corrupted by unlimited time and opportunity for my own distractions.

So I'm left by myself, muddling against my own excesses into an indefinite future.


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