Thursday, December 15, 2016


I think I have to agree that Donald Trump is a magician. He's so powerful he can say anything, and desperate people believe it, because he sounds tough, and when he confesses he doesn't mean anything he says later, they again cheer, because its so impressive that he can lie and get away with it.

He's like the cool child in the neighborhood who lies to all the adults, and never gets punished, and all the repressed kids feel empowered, and imagine that someday they can lie as good as the cool kid and get what they want too.

Remember, Trump said "We're going to have so much winning that we'll get tired of winning?" That's a proposterous boast in any world, and deeply offensive in a world where there is unnecesary suffering and "winning" is the only thing he values.

Trevor Noah showed some of Trump's magic confessions from his victory tour.
Trump on the Republican primary system being rigged in May, as he secured the party’s nomination: "You’ve been hearing me say it’s a rigged system. But now I don’t say it anymore because I won. Okay? It’s true. You know, now I don’t care."

Trump on his promise to prosecute Hillary Clinton and "lock her up": "Forget it. That plays great before the election. Now we don’t care, right?"

Trump on his slogan to "drain the swamp": "Funny how that term caught on, isn’t it? I tell everyone: I hated it! Somebody said, ‘Drain the swamp.’ I said, ‘Oh, that’s so hokey. That is so terrible.’ I said, ‘All right. I’ll try it.’ So like a month ago, I said, ‘Drain the swamp.’ The place went crazy. I said, ‘Whoa. Watch this.’ Then I said it again. Then I started saying it like I meant it, right? And then I said it, I started loving it."

And even going back to last January, at the Iowa Caucuses, he was shameless, like his greed.
“Now, I’ll tell you, I’m good at that – so, you know, I’ve always taken in money,” he said at a rally in Iowa. “I like money. I’m very greedy. I’m a greedy person. I shouldn’t tell you that, I’m a greedy – I’ve always been greedy. I love money, right? But, you know what? I want to be greedy for our country. I want to be greedy. I want to be so greedy for our country. I want to take back money.”

What the hell does that mean? He wants to be greedy for US? I mean this is the sort of speech one of my Viking ancestors gave, before they became christianized. We're basically going to loot the the entire world, but its okay, because you'll get your share of the loot. And we've got the most expensive military in the world by a factor of 10 or more, so who is going to stop us?

And Trump boasts that exactly as well:
One of the recurring themes of Donald Trump’s national security strategy is his plan to “take the oil” in Iraq and from areas controlled by Islamic State (Isis) extremists. It would drain Isis’s coffers and reimburse the US for the costs of its military commitments in the Middle East, the candidate insists.

At a forum hosted by NBC on 7 September, Trump suggested oil seizure would have been a way to pay for the Iraq war, saying: “We go in, we spend $3tn, we lose thousands and thousands of lives, and then … what happens is we get nothing. You know, it used to be to the victor belong the spoils.”

He added: “One of the benefits we would have had if we took the oil is Isis would not have been able to take oil and use that oil to fuel themselves.”

The idea predates Trump’s presidential campaign. As far back as 2011, he was telling the Wall Street Journal that this was his policy for Iraq. “You heard me, I would take the oil,” he said. “I would not leave Iraq and let Iran take the oil.” And he insisted to ABC News that this did not amount to national theft.

“You’re not stealing anything,” Trump said. “We’re reimbursing ourselves … at a minimum, and I say more. We’re taking back $1.5tn to reimburse ourselves.”

That's what strength looks like. Do what you want, say anything, and use power to take from others who can't defend themselves. Its like police coming into a neighborhood and demanding "protection fees", and then letting criminals do what they want to those unprotected, but taking a cut of the criminals loot as well.

This is what being tough looks like, and its all Obama's fault, because he didn't start enough new trillion dollar wars.

Trump's only ideology is greed and bullying, what could go wrong?

There's psychology term "gas lighting" some claim applies to Trump, coming from a movie where a man makes a woman feel crazy by changing things in her house and denying it, and making her feel crazy. But Trump doesn't even do this since he's very open about his manipulations.

Its seems astounding that we have to run this experiment forward, JUST IN CASE, it doesn't end in disaster. But that's the problem as well, because when Trump's popularity wanes, all he has to do is prey on people's fears and anger and find proper scapegoats, so the victims of his temperament won't be most Americans, but minorities here, and people of the rest of the world.

It seems like the rest of the world has NO CHOICE except to consider America as an ENEMY. Anything else just makes them complicit in our madness.

Okay "enemy" is too strong, but not by much, at least a potential enemy. You have to consider America is MENTALLY ILL and has weapons of mass destruction, and no one has the power to disarm us.

Paul Levy wrote a book called "The madness of George Bush", and a follow up "Dispelling Wetiko: Breaking the Curse of Evil". Paul Levy discovered it in part looking at George Bush, and then reflecting back on his own reactions to Bush's hubris. The Madness of George W. Bush
Paul Levy will explore whether the madness that George W. Bush has fallen into is showing us something particularly important about ourselves. What if Bush's madness is a reflection of our own potential for madness? What if Bush has been collectively dreamed up (by 6.4 billion of us) to play out, in full-bodied form, a pathological role existing deep within the collective unconscious of all humanity? Tune in and find out.
--- - Paul Levy - Dispelling Wetiko: Breaking the Curse of Evil
There is a contagious psycho-spiritual disease of the human soul, a parasite of the mind, that is currently manifesting itself in the form of unprecedented conflicts and crises on a global scale. This collective psychosis or mental virus -- which Native Americans have called wetiko - covertly operates through the unconscious blind spots in the human psyche, rendering us oblivious to our own madness and compelling us to act against our own best interests.

Wetiko distorts our perceptions by stealth and subterfuge, acting through us while simultaneously remaining hidden. Unconstrained by conventional laws of time and space, this 'bug' in the system deceives us by working with the projective tendencies of our mind to appear external to and other than ourselves. Thus, the conflicts and crises which threaten the collapse of political, social and economic systems, and perhaps even of the biosphere itself, are nothing less than a revelation of our own internal darkness, the side of our nature that we all too often deny. Quantum physics is now revealing to us the dreamlike nature of reality and, as with our dreams at night, events in the so-called waking world are symbolically reflecting a condition deep within the psyche of humanity.

Drawing on insights from Jungian psychology, shamanism, alchemy, spiritual wisdom traditions, and personal experience, Levy shows us that hidden within the venom of wetiko is both a profound truth and an antidote, which once recognized can help us awaken and restore sanity to society. Whether wetiko destroys our species or catalyses a deeper process of global awakening depends upon recognizing what it is revealing to us about ourselves.


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