Friday, March 17, 2006

Starve the Beast
This funny phrase comes out of a conservative policy which purposely sets up budget deficits in order to encourage spending cuts.

Apparently the policy has worked well for state governments which have the balance their budgets, but I can't tell how it's supposed to work for the federal government, I mean are we TRYING to really make the federal government collapse? Perhaps so, and at such time the "Skull and Bones" bunch will suddenly appear ready to "rebuild the government" from scrtch into a perfect dictatorship.

In some ways it's the only idea that makes any sense of the budget priorities of the U.S. government. I don't even know how any congress-person could get elected and do ANYTHING rational without sounding like a mad man in the shit-covered glasses that the S-t-B people have convinced us all to look through.

President Bush has the gall to suggest Social security is in trouble in 50 years and we ought to convert it all into private accounts to save it?

WELL, actually, I almost agree, not about private accounts, but heck, if "Starve the Beast" means stopping the flow of SS surplus into the annual budget, I'd listen. But why can't he be HONEST about it? It's not about "saving SS", it's about helping the shit to hit the fan sooner than later.

I admit I don't know ANY WAY that a surplus SS savings can be trusted with the government. Obviously it CAN'T!

Strangely I'm NOT a republican, and I do believe the government can do good things. The problem for me is that I don't trust the government can promise anything when it can't keep it's budget in order now. Who cares about 50 years? I want to know how we are supposed to "balance" the budget when the government actually has to start paying OUT more SS than it takes in.

Apparently economists like to talk of bubbles - the "stock market bubble", the "housing bubble", false wealth that disappears when enough people figure out that things are overpriced. Perhaps we have a "national debt" bubble. Okay comparison backways, but WHO THE HECK is investing in government bonds? Crazy people!

And if I can't believe in investing in the government what can I believe in?

Now back to reality, WHY cut taxes for the rich while we have such deficits? Obviously because NO ONE intends to have it ever repaid, and so the FUTURE must exist to those who can get ahead NOW as soon as possible BEFORE the crash.

AH, really, I don't like to believe in organized conspiracies, but disorganized ones seem possible. Certainly people with wealth and brains must be worried, so a "starve the beast" plan is perfectly rational. The system WILL explode, and the SOONER the better, at least in the sense of maximizing personal wealth now, like Noah building his Ark before the flood.

What rational person could possibly support an insane government?

The problem for me about this ditch-the-economy plan is that someone someday is going to have to clean up the messes we've created! Unfortunately there seems to be no way out of our madness except to cause a lot of misery and suffering.

Am I really so pesimisstic? Of course pesimist is a sign of impatience, and some of us will make it through to a new day. Perhaps some of the children born this very year will be the ones to see the new society that rises from our ashes, although I'm not even so hopeful as that, maybe their great grand children might see the promised land. At least looking to future generations offers some perspective on what real patience is about. We're not makers of our world - we're living yesterdays world. We're makers of tomorrow, and the next generations.

It is interesting that apparently democracy appears incapable of moderation. No one wants their taxes raised, and everyone wants "entitlements", so the solution is to listen to the hucksters who promise both via the god of exponential growth.

Seriously though, you gotta wonder WHEN people will get a clue that we're not going to get ahead by borrowing our future to pay for our past?!

The federal debt is water under the bridge. I'm now seeing the light. Why can't the government just be HONEST and SAY "Oopse, we really didn't MEAN to say we'd be paying back these bonds we sold you." What would it hurt for the government to default on its debt? It'd be MUCH simpler. I mean WHO is going to bomb us if we say so? Who's going to invade? Who's going to stop trading with us?

Ooops, right, SOON the world IS going to get a clue, and actually STOP accepting our IOUs as payment. AND is that a bad thing? NOT at all. Sooner the better!

So our insane republican friends are perhaps doing us all a favor - starve the beast, and eat your cake too, something like that!

Oh, I crack myself up. There's gotta be some interesting gods on their chess boards laughing too. "Hey Ares, you mean those stupid Chinese are still accepting those U.S. dollars in 2006? Jokes on them!" "Yo, Apollo, hush, the game's still playing, no telling until the secret's out!" heheheheheh

I just wish I knew who they real losers are going to be in 10 years. I already feel guilty, and I might yet be on the wrong side of the fence. But the spoils go to those who pay attention, right? And those who know what risks are worth taking.

Maybe having children might STILL be a good bet, but I can't tell.


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