Tuesday, April 10, 2007

A big cheer for high energy costs

A silly article at:
http://www.energytribune.com/articles.cfm?aid=446 For the Oil Companies, Public Rhetoric = Big Profits

Damn if I understand this guy. He ends with "The tragedy is that it will hurt the common people the world over, exactly those whose welfare these elitists purport to protect."

OH, such a tragedy, higher energy prices will hurt the common people. HECK, the common people DESERVE another 50 years of "protection" before they need to be hurt, so let's save their pain now, and let the next generation of common people pay the price.

It is just astounding to me when the modern day capitalists defend their world view as being in the best interest of the common people.

It's one big fucking gamble as far as I'm concerned, to wait for FUTURE GENIUSES solve problems we ought to be solving now.

As E.F Schumacher said, we've not SOLVED the production problem until we've solved the energy problem. As long as we're running our world with energy the future won't have, we can have no faith in the future.

What kind of world do THESE PROTECTORS expect? Infinite growth for infinite needs of infinite people? Where does that model end, except in tragedy?!

I'll NEVER understand the modern faith in technology to solve every problem. Technology allows us to deplete our natural capital faster, and lets the future depend on necessity to figure out the next magic trick.

I suppose if I had NO interest in the future viability of humanity, I'd say "Party hardy dude!" and get drunk on power and affluence as I could. I mean seriously, an asteroid could hit the earth at any time in the next 50 million years and wipe us out, WHY would we want to protect natural capital for future generations who might be fucking too DEAD to enjoy it?

It's insanity! Yes, I'm over reacting. Yes, globalization might continue exploiting more and more energy use for a few more decades than I expect. Yes, perhaps the GODS like us and will provide us exactly what we need when our inheritence runs out, but FUCKING GET A CLUE MAN! Rational people don't act this way. Power crazed lunatics perhaps, and we're all drunk on power to be sure.

Anyway, as far as I'm concerned there is NO DOWNSIDE to higher energy prices - the sooner the better. LET THE FUCKING ENERGY PRODUCERS BECOME BILLIONAIRES if that's what it takes to end their reign.

All I know is LOW ENERGY PRICES are what DRIVES globalization, and HIGH ENERGY PRICECS are what DRIVES alternatives.

Let's get driving! $150/bbl oil is still a bargain in my book! A miracle of god. The value of fossil fuels OUGHT to be equal to the cost of the cheapest renewable alternatives. Every penny cheaper is a bargain.


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